In Jesus Name
MOMUSA Summer Games 25th Silver Anniversary
The weekend, from July 1st through July 3rd, MOMUSA kicked off its 25th Annual Summer Games Event at the Miramar College Gymnasium right out of America’s finest city, San Diego, California. We want to first and foremost give Praise and Thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father for a successful event! The turnout was above and beyond expectation, and we owe God all the Glory and Honor.
Due to the COVID Pandemic’s global impact, the annual event saw its first break in the previous two years in order to adhere to the government mandates. Nevertheless, all praise be to God; His timing was perfect. The anticipation leading up to this year’s event was so great, once the mandates were lifted and the announcement released to reconvene went out; over 30 basketball and volleyball teams responded. The feedback for interests to be added to the roster exceeded our expectation and unfortunately, in order to meet time constraints, we had to reduce the number of teams to a manageable number. Be that as it may, many showed up just to enjoy and fellowship together.
What seemed to be a disappointing delay of the games for two years, ended up in an amazing turnout - We could not keep track of the total. Over 300 participants showed up, outnumbering previous ones, at least in that we could monitor through the past years. We were moved that all three worship services were packed; humbling us to have witnessed those that came not only for the games, but to actively engage in Worship. Praise the LORD!
We cannot even begin to express how blessed we were to see an abundance of willing hearts celebrate and play a part of this year’s event, both on and off the courts.
Here are the weekend events; Let’s break it down!
Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 5:00 PM – We welcomed the early arrivals with a dinner at the Highpoint Church. Those that came were greeted by welcoming remarks presented by MOMUSA’s President and First lady, Teno and Isobel Kingsang followed by a brief orientation of the event.
Friday, July 01, 2022, Day 1 at the Highpoint Church began with breakfast served at 7:00 AM followed by a praise and worship service at 9:00 AM.
Mr. Surleigh Tara shared the first out of three sessions pertaining to the theme of this year’s message “Pursuit of Life.” He encouraged the congregation to wait no longer and reminded everyone that Jesus met and paid every requirement; driving in the message that the Lord never stops working, always intervenes and brings us back to the Father. Let us not seek the wisdom of worldly things, but turn away from evil and pursue the heavenly promises of God.
Following the worship service, we transitioned into the opening ceremony at Miramar Gymnasium which was led by MC, “The Voice of the MOMUSA Summer Ministry Games,” our very own, Mr. John Akapito. The commencement began with the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner by Maia Robert, a member of the MOMUSA Worship Team. We were very honored to have distinguished guests representing the County of San Diego, acknowledging MOMUSA’s Summer Ministry Games who officially presented a proclamation that July 1st would be declared as MOMUSA’s Day all throughout the county. We want to express our profound gratitude to CAO Helen N. Robbins-Meyer - County of San Diego, Tana Lepule - Independent Consultant/Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Community Advocate & Researcher, John Quichocho - Sons and Daughters of Guam Club, Anissa Acfalle - PIFA President, and Sean Pangelinan - Islander Elevation.

Left to right: Tana Lepule, Shadow Suka, Helen Robins-Meyer, Isobel Kinsang, Anissa Acfalle, John Quichocho, Sean Pangelinan

MOMUSA Presented with certificate proclaiming July 1 as MOMUSA's Day throughout San Diego County.
Saturday, July 02, 2022, Day 2 at Miramar Gym following breakfast, we jumped right into the games! We watched as many played their hearts out, who gave every effort to put their best foot forward.
In the evening, we returned to Highpoint Church as all came together to hear the sharing of the Word. Pastor Lawrence Yinolang shared the second session, reminding us of God’s Love and Mercy. Charging young adults and all to continue to pursue, or in other words, chase after a relationship with Christ. We can have the best abilities in this world, but unless we operate from within God’s vicinity, we can never live out to our fullest potential. In order for our situations to change, we need our hearts to change. We must desire to look above our circumstances in order to seek the free offer of everlasting life. The way we follow Jesus is by picking up our own cross, daily. Only then can we begin the transformation of our hearts.
Sunday, July 03, 2022, Day 3 started with breakfast followed by a worship service, as the final session was shared by Pastor Charles Hartman; bringing it all together as He reminded us of the Goodness of God’s Love for us and His faithful promises. We as the church are entrusted with the task of continued pursuit, as we keep the eyes and ears of our hearts open to what God is leading us to. An everlasting life, through Jesus Christ. God’s promises are made sure in Christ, and to find our place in them, we must keep pursuing His will.
As the Championship Games played out, we saw both Volleyball and Basketball teams give it the final push for the conclusion of all the games.
We came to the bittersweet end of our event, and were given one final reminder from Pastor Sato Suka; In spite of who may have walked away with a trophy, we want to commend each and every team; bottom line here is this: through Christ we are all made victorious. Only through Christ can we see the true achievement, the eternal reward of everlasting life – this was the main emphasis of this year’s event and can be found in:
1 Corinthians 9:25
“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”
As we looked around the gym, hands held, hearts in one accord; we finished out the event in worship. Pastor Sato led the multitude of participants in the song that has become tradition – “We’re Together Again.” Taking it all in, from the youngest to the eldest; the event ended in smiles and joy – despite the outcome of the games. To God be all the Glory!
With that being said, congratulations Team UMGD & Team Iakwe for taking home first place! We have been inspired to see the passion and the up and coming talents presented on the courts by all but most importantly, the unseen seed sown in each person continues to motivate us to facilitate this ministry for years to come.
We are praying that you all walk away, desiring to pursue the ultimate reward. Seeking the Everlasting crown in Christ Jesus. God’s promises are made true and sure through the sacrifice of the Son, so let us pursue a life by following Jesus and picking up our cross daily and allow the Holy Spirit to continue to show us the way and change our very hearts. God cares for you, He loves you, and He longs to share a relationship with you. If He gave His very best by giving up His one and only Son, what will He withhold?
We are so proud of all the teams for coming together to serve and those displaying great sportsmanship, going above and beyond with passion for the games we so love and respect. We pray that you all walk away with the desire to seek God on and off the courts, and encourage you all to join us again - as the proverb says; Iron sharpens Iron. May you sharpen your knowledge in the Word as you sharpen your skill on the court.
God willing, we’ll see you next year! Stay blessed!
Congratulations to the 2022 MOMUSA Summer Ministry Games Champions!
Men's Basketball
1st Place: UNGD
2nd Place: Faichuuk BM
3rd Place: Ainemon
MVP: Maverick Kinareng
3 Point Shootout: Mahku
Women's Volleyball
1st. Place: Iakwe
2nd Place: BASIC
3rd Place: Lady Bang
MVP: Lynn
Special Awards
Sportsmanship Men's Basketball: IFC Palau
Sportsmanship Women's Volleyball: TX
Best All Around: Kon
2022 MVP's

Maverick Kinareng
Men's Baketball
Lynn Andrew
Women's Volleyball
Thank You!
Special thanks to our MOMUSA Family, Teams and Supporters!
MOMUSA Sport Committee: Suva, Jan, Teno, Isobel, Emily, Chenchen, Trevor, Joshua, Surleigh, Bert.
MOMUSA Food Committee: Yori & Julie Petrus.
MOMUSA Worship Team: Sato, Jannette, JOne, Maia, Chenny, Emily, Charity.
MOMUSA Media Team: Chenny, Emily, Crystal, Charity, Ako, Maia, Sato.
MOMUSA Webmasters: Sato, Chenny.
SPEAKERS: Pastor Lawrence Yinolang, Pastor Charles Hartman, and Mr. Surleigh Tara.
Pastor Lawrence Yinolang and the Island Embassy Church of WA.
The Tara Family & Kahs in Kohl Ministry.
Mr. Eddie Timarong & our Palauan Brothers & Sisters of the Inland Empire, SoCal.
ANCF Church Family of Pasadena.
Bert and Ywanita Nedelec.
Pius and Yotena Setik.
Julie Aizawa & Robert Family.
Dave & Veronica Robert.
Aaron and Elsie (Elsa Jon) Buggs.
John Akapito & Family.
Nerishina Solomon.
Ako Harper and Family.
Marilyn Martin.
Petrus Family.
Kinsang Family.
Roby Family.
Suka Family.
Lodge Family.
Ludwig Family.
Sablan Family.
Naputi Family.
Jenny and Steve Asher.
Will and Chenchen Rodriquez.
Maxine Suka.
Yorita Suka and Children:
AJ Ulutu
Beauty Aisek
Doris and Niporuch
Fe Velasquez
Herman and Christina Nedelec
Jeniffer Chieng
Max Chieng
Paul Kama
Ted Tofagau
The FSM Consulate Office, Portland, OR.
Last but not least, a sincere and special thank you to our friends who have been very supportive in facilitating our events over the years at the Miramar College Gymnasium:
Denise Lamb
Center Director, City of San Diego Parks & Recreation.
Anna Liza Manzo
Hourglass Park Supervisor
San Diego Miramar College
His excellence, FSM President David W. Panuelo was unable to be present, however, a letter was presented and shared to the MOMUSA Ministry as follows:
Dear MOMUSA Family,
While I am not able to be with you on this momentous occasion of the 25th year anniversary of the MOMUSA Games event, please allow me to offer my sincere gratitude and an enthusiastic congratulation to all of you. The gathering of our people and Micronesian families across the U.S. for social events such as the MOMUSA Games in Southern California is such a precious and vital aspect of keeping our Micronesian spirit alive even while you are away from our homeland. Thank you for all you do to keep our Micronesian communities strong and strengthening their rootedness and growth in our Heavenly Father. Thank you for taking care of the physical and spiritual lives of our people.
Please know that I am extremely proud of all you do whether as an athlete, a spectator, or as an organizer, I know that you have put so much work into this to keep it sustained for 25 years. I applaud you sincerely and the FSM is so very proud of all of you. I pray that you continue to remember your homeland, the FSM, and all your relatives back home. Please pray for e and for the FSM as I will keep you in mine.
A special thanks and congratulations to Rev. Suka and family, and all your extended family in Southern California who have so diligently kept this going for so long. It is a testament to your dedication to God and to your fellow Micronesians.
President David W. Panuelo
Thank you to Our Sponsors!