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July 5th thru 7th, 2019 - Miramar College, San Diego, California.

By:  Lawrence Yinolang

This past weekend (July 5-7), I had the privilege of attending the celebration of the Micronesia Outreach Ministry in U.S.A (MOMUSA) 24th Annual ministry games in San Diego, Ca. This ministry event welcomes basketball and volleyball teams from varies states including Guam to compete in a 3-day tournament with the primary purpose of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. That mission continues by integral worship services, prayers and fellowship time that occurs throughout the 3-day tournament. This year’s celebration theme was  “WHO AM I”.  The world identifies us by what choices we make, but does our action defines us completely? And who can truly define us?

   Pastor Surleigh Tara gave the sermon during Friday’s service and Pastor Charles Hartman gave the sermon during Saturday’s service, and I was given the privilege to share the sermon on Sunday.

   On Friday, Pastor Surleigh’s sermon reminded us that before Christ came in our lives, we all face the struggle of “crisis identity”. Reading from the Old Testament, God chose the nation of Israel and that through them, He would bring the promised Savior into the world. And because they were God’s chosen nation, He had the Israelites change their physical appearance through circumcision and commanded them to keep His laws. Pastor Surleigh concluded in Colossians 6:11-14 that unlike the Israelites, we have been given the gift of grace and mercy through Christ’s work on the cross. We have died to the law in Christ and been given new life by the Holy Spirit. Our true identity is established when the Holy Spirit dwells in us.

    For the Saturday service, Pastor Charles reminded us in Ephesians 1:3&4 that we are chosen by God and blessed beyond what we can think or say.  He went on to encourage us that whatever needs we might have, God will fulfill that need! Just as a child yearns for ice cream, they know that their parents can get it for them.  Pastor Charles concluded his sermon in Ephesians 2:10, that we are God’s masterpiece! We are wonderfully made by Him and for Him.

 I had the privilege of delivering the sermon on Sunday’s service. I reminded everyone that we are loved by God. Christ left heaven and lower himself to become man so He can die for us. I ended with Hebrews 12:2, we are the joy that He died for on the cross. His love for us is complete and when we place our trust in Him our sins will be forgiven. We will be given a new future filled with hope and peace that can only come from God the Father.

  So what are you waiting for? Are still searching for your purpose, for your own identity? Well, I promise you that your purpose and identity is established in God, who created you and calls you to Him. Would you seek Him today? In your own way say, “Lord, I have sinned please forgive my sins. So I repent, I turned from my own ways and seek your guidance because I know that your ways are better for me. Father, forgive me! Jesus, I ask that you take my life and use it for your kingdom! And ask the Holy Spirit to dwell in your heart.”

    God will answer your prayer and you can wake up everyday knowing WHO YOU ARE! You are loved, forgiven and precious in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.  The bible reminds us that while we were sinners, God demonstrated His love for us by having His Son die on the cross for you and I. Make the choice to know Christ today!

   During the celebration, we were blessed to see people accepting God’s invitation and placing their lives in God’s hand for the first time. We had people rededicate their lives back God. We saw relationships mended and we saw teams accept their trophies for their achievements in basketball and volleyball and had their names written in the MOMUSA book of champions. But the greatest reward was people having their names written in the book of life! Keep praying for those stood for Christ this past week!

   I want to thank Pastor Sato Suka, the MOMUSA family, the teams and the attendees for their sacrifices and mostly for their obedience to the Lord! The celebration for the 24th MOMUSA Summer Ministry Games went smoothly and everyone had fun!

  I challenge you to start praying and preparing for next year’s event. In 2020, we will be celebrating the 25th years anniversary and it will be awesome! I will see you next year! Be blessed!

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last. But we do it to get a crown that will last forever," (1 Corinthians 9:25).  


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