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Summer Games 2022 #SMG2K22

Gearing up for MOMUSA's Silver Anniversary! #SMG2k22

Micronesian Outreach Ministry USA (MOMUSA) is excited to be celebrating it's 25th Annual Summer Ministry Games in America's Finest City! This is a very special year for us as we will be celebrating our Silver Anniversary!

Every year, hundreds of young adults come together from across the nation to compete in a basketball and volleyball tournament. Talents are showcased on the courts, testimonies are shared, and time is well spent with family, friends and loved ones. It is a time of fellowship and fun for everyone! 

We would like to invite you to join us on this purposeful movement of bringing individuals to Christ through the venue of sports. 


MOMUSA's 25th Annual Summer Ministry Games (Celebrating our Silver Anniversary!)

TENTATIVE DATE (Pending Pandemic Guidelines):

July 1st thru 3rd, 2022.


Miramar College Gymnasium

10440 Black Mountain Road

San Diego, CA 92126


Check back for more info.

We are looking forward to seeing you all there!


Your MOMUSA Sports Committee



  1. SoCal

  2. Sixx1Nine RMI-1

  3. Sixx1Nine  RMI-2

  4. Faichuuk Black Magic

  5. UNGD

  6. FourStars

  7. IFC-Team Palau

  8. Chuuk State 808

  9. KON

  10. PNI Bros

  11. ATAAP

  12. No Hops

  13. Inland Empire  Ducks

  14. Bang Bang

  15. Ainemon

  16. ARK Youngsters


  1. Pasifika United, SoCal

  2. Island Bang (Mutans)

  3. Iakwe, Arkansas

  4. IFC Team Palau

  5. MOS, Oregon

  6. Team TX

  7. Gen Z

  8. BASIC


Mira Mesa

9888 Mira Mesa Blvd

San Diego, CA 92131


Memorial Day Festivities with MOMUSA

Each year, on Memorial Day; we want to first and foremost express our gratitude and honor to all the men and women in uniform for the ultimate sacrifice they made while defending the very freedom we live and enjoy today.  Freedom is not free at all, and for every brave service member who gave their lives to fight for this nation, know that you will never be forgotten.

May 28, 2022 was a blessed fellowship using the platform of sports to glorify God!  Southern Californian Teams funneled in to support MOMUSA’s Annual Summer Games approaching this July 4th.  Softball was the name of the game, and we were blessed to see all ages put forth their best efforts.  Food, fun, and fellowship took place, and as the evening winded down.. the sharing of worship from MOMUSA’s Worship Team and God’s word conveyed by Pastor Sato Suka closed the gathering with a powerful message. Youth, Young Adults, and elders sat together  encouraged  with a reminder by Pastor Sato that in all times, in any place, under any circumstances, God has a purpose and plan.


Big shout out to all the teams who participated:

Champion: Team Palau

2nd Runner Up: Team KSA

3rd Runner Up: “No Name” [KSA]


Special thanks to our hosting families from the MOMUSA Sport’s Committee, to our sister ministry Kahls in Kohl, and brothers and sisters from our Palauan community for coming out!


We thank you all for your continued support and are looking forward to seeing you at SMG2k22 this July 4th in Sunny San Diego.

Stay blessed!

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last. But we do it to get a crown that will last forever," (1 Corinthians 9:25).  


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A ministry of the Micronesian Oureach Ministry USA (MOMUSA)

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